Maintain all of your big traffic–hungry enterprise sites and corporate websites using a simple to operate Control Panel. Have unlimited domains, databases, mail accounts and e–mail lists. InnoDB and Varnish support, 24x7 technical support and also a 99.9% server uptime warranty are provided on top of that.
Corporate Package
Corporate hosting at
$9.62/mo.Evaluate our web hosting services with a 30 day free of charge trial. No credit card info needed.
Web Accelerators
A bunch of software tools to boost the loading speed of your sites
Within the Site Control Panel you can find a number of Web Accelerator Applications designed to speed up your dynamic, database–driven web sites. By caching content, these tools reduce the number of times a database is requested and thus decrease the server load. This helps your web sites load faster and will curtail the bounce rates. You’ll be able to select between three website accelerators – Varnish, Memcached and Node.js.
Multiple Data Centers
Cloud website hosting packs in the USA, in the EU and in Australia
Presently we have datacenters in the United States of America (Steadfast in Chicago), in the European Union (Pulsant in close proximity to London, Ficolo in Pori, Finland and S3 in Sofia, Bulgaria) and in Australia (Amaze in Sydney). We’ve carefully picked out every single datacenter to guarantee high–performance cloud website hosting services for all your web sites and web apps. There are no additional charges – the price will remain the same irrespective of which datacenter you pick.
Scripting Support
Python. Perl. PHP. PgSQL. MySQL.
Create a PHP–based web site. Create a Python web app. Utilize the capabilities of 9000+ Perl modules. Keep your data in MySQL or PgSQL databases. Create InnoDB tables. Set up external MySQL database connections. You can do all that and much more if using any of the cloud website hosting packages that we offer. There aren’t any extra charges – it is all included in your cloud hosting package right from the start.
A safe web app firewall
Our company offers an instant method of defending each web application in your web hosting account, irrespective of whether it’s newly installed or has been imported from some other web hosting company. All our cloud website hosting plans come with ModSecurity – a web app firewall program, which is enabled by default. We have configured it to automatically impede the majority of hack assaults. This means that as soon as you host your website with us, it will be safer than ever before.
Solid–State Drives
SSD–powered cloud web hosting servers
All our cloud website hosting servers are fitted out with solid–state disks instead of conventional hard disks. SSDs boast much faster read ’n’ write speeds, which goes to say that your site will load much faster. No extra site modifications are needed.
By result of the outstanding connectivity possibilities provided by each of our cloud hosting Data Center Facilities, your web site will begin to load faster as soon as you host it with us.
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Service guarantees
- Our plans include zero installation service fees along with a 30 day money–back guarantee. Our common reply–back time is usually 20 mins.
Compare our prices
- Have a look at our prices and choose the right web hosting solution for your private or company web sites. You’ll be able to transition to a more feature–rich package with just a click.
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Contact Us
- Contact us anytime during business hours Monday to Friday for just about any pre–sale or common inquiries in relation to our platform. Phone us at any moment.