The simplest way to grant a third-party access to the web files in a certain directory is to set up an FTP account and to put website content access restrictions with regard to your hosting space. In case you use the services of a web developer, for instance, they won’t receive access to any other content or any sensitive data in your hosting account. You can also create separate FTP accounts to run different Internet sites created with a desktop web design application like FrontPage or Dreamweaver – each site can be launched online and later modified using an FTP account that has access to its very own domain folder on the hosting server. All these things will be possible provided that you are able to create and administer your FTP accounts without effort.
FTP Manager in Cloud Website Hosting
The Hepsia Control Panel, which comes with each of our Linux cloud website hosting packages, offers a multifunctional FTP Manager tool that will grant you complete control over all FTP accounts in your hosting account. Setting up or removing an account takes literally just one single click and all the accounts that you have at a given moment will be displayed alphabetically, so you can easily locate the one that you need. You will also be able to see what directory a specific account can connect to and by clicking it, you can change it. In case you’d like to access your hosting space using an FTP software application such as FileZilla or Core FTP, you can download an auto-configuration file for any of the FTP accounts and install it on your personal computer – the account in question will be set up without you having to do anything manually yourself. Furthermore, you can view the full list of all the domains or sub-domains which you are able to use.
FTP Manager in Semi-dedicated Hosting
Even in case you’ve never opened a web hosting account previously, you won’t have any difficulty managing any part of your worldwide web presence in case you purchase a semi-dedicated server from us and the FTP part is not an exception. With the FTP Manager, which is an integral part of our avant-garde Hepsia Control Panel, you’ll have complete control over your FTP accounts through a rather intuitive graphical interface. With only a few clicks, you will be able to accomplish practically everything – to set up or to remove an FTP account, to edit its password, to change the folder that it can connect to or to download auto-config files for software applications such as Core FTP and FileZilla. If you have set up a vast number of FTP accounts, you’ll be able to administer them without hassle, as you can sort them alphabetically in descending or ascending order either by folder access path or by username.